ZB Vlog

Get to know various Sound Practitioners in our global community through these live video interviews!

Zen with Ben #002 featuring Maria Dummermuth

Live chat with Boulder based Yoga/Pilates Practitioner and Sound Healer, Maria Dummermuth (IG: @sagepractices). We had a fantastic chat covering Himalayan singing bowls (and cats!), connecting with your bowls, bringing movement and intention to your practice, adapting to the virtual world, and a quick exercise for integrating your voice with your bowl. Thanks, Maria! (PS Please excuse technical difficulties early on. Merci!)

Zen with Ben #001 featuring Tree Stoddart

Live Chat with Santa Fe based Reiki and Sound Practitioner, Tree Stoddart (IG: @treestoddart). We talk sound healing, singing bowls, quantum doubles, vocal toning, and a little bit about puppies, of course! Thanks, Tree!